St Petersburg, Concert Hall

Film music: songs familiar from childhood


Irina Mataeva
Yekaterina Solovyova
Anna Kiknadze
Viktor Korotich
Oleg Sychov

Ekaterina Ilina (piano)

songs by Andrei Petrov, Isaac Schwartz, Mikael Tariverdiev, Yevgeny Ptichkin, Isaac Dunayevsky, Veniamin Basner, Mark Minkov, Alexandra Pakhmutova, Tikhon Khrennikov, Anatoly Lepin, Gennady Gladkov from movies

Concert Director: Daria Donova
Lighting Designer: Evgeny Shemanaev

Age category 12+

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This highlighting is being used in accordance with Federal Law N436-FZ dated 29 December 2010 (edition dated 1 May 2019) "On the protection of children from information that may be harmful to their health"