St Petersburg, The Shchedrin Hall

Mozart’s Childhood, or the Meeting with the Cricket

Music lesson as part of the series Music Told in Tales of Sand for children aged 3-8

Children will be transported into the  world of the  young Wolfgang Mozart, the  wunderkind of two hundred and fifty years ago, whose life resembled a fairytale. At the  age of three he began to play keyboards, the  violin and organ, while at the  age of five he composed his first harpsichord concerto! Olga Piccolo, leader of the Piccolo children’s music the atre, will reveal one of the  young genius’ secrets and how he discovered his “cricket”. She will be assisted by Alexei Chizhik, a musician of the  St Petersburg Philharmonic.
Following the  concert the  children will have the  opportunity to make sand drawings under the  guidance of sand-artist Oxana Kalinko and learn the  “secret” of such an unusual concert through the ir own experience.

Age category 6+

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