Санкт-Петербург, Мариинский театр

Olga Kondina, Yuri Marusin and Viktor Chernomortsev in a gala concert of opera soloists

Viktor Chernomortsev not only possesses a rich baritone voice, he also cuts a colourful figure and has an unbelievably fine sense of humour.
Badische Neueste Nachrichten. Germany

Viktor Chernomortsev appeared in the title role with his powerful voice – as befitting his appearance. But the power and the luscious timbre of his baritone timbre proved no obstacle to the impetuosity and delicacy of certain passages – just like the lofty emotional incandescence of his singing.
Nevskoe vremya. Russia


The whole world knows Yuri Marusin, and all of Russia loves him. He is a true People’s Artist, an heir to the traditions of Russia’s vocal culture, the traditions of Sobinov, Pechkovsky and Lemeshev…
The artist’s interpretation is enchanting with its tragic intensity, the depth and the force of its effect in the integrity of the singing and the stage acting. Not by chance did the British press compare his art with that of the great Laurence Olivier following his appearance at Covent Garden.
Kultura. Russia

Russian tenor Yuri Marusin has one of the most beautiful voices… A tenor of such class appears far from every day.
Tempo. Italy


Olga Kondina demonstrates an unfading, beautiful timbre, a formidable technique as a lyrical and coloratura soprano and “intelligent” singing that is filled with meaning.
OperaNews. Russia

The undying applause of the jam-packed auditorium and the shrieks of “Bravissimo” – there we have the finest judgement on Olga Kondina’s delightful voice and this Russian singer’s rare musicality.
Godina. Macedonia

Olga Kondina, who beyond all doubt possesses one of the most beautiful voices in St Petersburg, finely embellished the already stunning music of the great maestro (Verdi)…
Nevskoe vremya. Russia

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