St Petersburg, The Musorgsky Hall

Music is the sea

II International Harp Festival Northern Lyre

Kristi Mühling (kannel)
Dia Maria Dali (soprano)

Adriano Banchieri
Concerto di dui Angioletti in Dialogo

George Frideric Handel
Lascia ch’io pianga, aria from the opera Rinaldo
Son come navicella, aria from the cantata Lungi dal mio bel nume

Camille Saint-Saëns
Le Rossignol et la rose

Gabriel Fauré
Mandoline, Op. 58 No. 1
Après un rêve, Op. 7 No. 3

Finnish folk song

Juhan Zeiger
Emakene, ennekene

Artur Kapp
Sa oled mu südame suvi

Raimond Valgre
Sa ütled mulle “päikene”

Age category 6+

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